Christmas Week SITREP: Trump Pulls the Plug on Syria, Wimps Out on Afghanistan, and Mattis Goes Out Firing

Folks, Hopefully you’ve had a better week than the acting career of Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos. We’re heading into a weekend, followed by a Christmas holiday. In other words, this is the perfect place for important people to dump important stories significantly timed to avoid the scrutiny of a hysterical, polarized and lazy public. How important are... Continue Reading →

Under The Radar…aka What China’s Surveillance State, ISIS Recruitment, and Oxfam’s Orgies have to do with System of A Down, Ricardo Montalban, and the Fourth Planet Hollywood Investor

Folks, I remember when System of A Down released, “B.Y.OB.” I remember driving along the Pacific Coast Highway, tanned from a day at the beach and a belly full of surf and turf while Serge Tankian screamed, “And we all live in a fascist nation!” This was 2006. I remember thinking I liked SOAD more... Continue Reading →

Can We Trust Turkey?

[Note: This article was originally written on 1 NOV 2015.  The author is finally getting around to publishing it, hoping that he’ll look really smart if it all comes true.] _____ “Can we really trust Turkey?” After you’ve bored friends and family with your talk about ISIS, Iran, Russia, China, North Korea and Al-Qaeda, why would... Continue Reading →

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